Sunday 4 September 2011

BINH the Bear.

"story about one doll seeing and caring about his master journey of life, loosing his childhood, loosing his mother and put all his memories into that doll"

do you have any dolls in your house? or more specify, bear doll..? if you have..please take care of it.. just like my late master take care of me, his most favorite toys. 
i'm an old doll, a very old doll, and please don't compare me with yours. because the artist who made me, just a poor mother who wants to make her son happy. with cloth, button, thread and love, she made me. 

just like every story, it start with Once upon a time.
once upon a time, i remember the first time i opened my eyes, and there's one little boy hold me and just smiled with a lot of spark in his eyes. his name in Hao and he's my master.
doll for a boy? why not..?
on that time, people says that Bear doll was a prestige toys to play. i was prestige on that time and i'm proud of it. Hao played with me everyday, literally everyday.
because i never saw any other Toys beside me. uh.. wait,
there's one and it's an car toys made from bamboo. .
then..there's only two of us back then.

until one day, Hao being kidnapped by his uncle.
and separated by his lovely mother.
it was a big war. Vietnam most horrifying years where a lot of soldier sacrifice for their land. including Hao's father, one of the warrior for North Vietnam.
that night, i saw a lot of misery. we were surrounded by cacophony of screams and explosion.
Luckily, Hao was asleep. i, Hao, Hao's uncle and auntie, run away from North Vietnam to South Vietnam. we're trying to evacuate to America with the helps of South Vietnamese people.
"dont worry Hao, Binh will always accompany you."
that night, it was my promise for my master.

Years passed, ever since we moved, Hao got new toys and new friends. i know this day will come. left the new toys for the good ones. he left me somewhere and just forget about my existence. so, i just be able to wait for his returns. i believe that day will came.
i saw how Hao's grow. from a little boy, into a grown up man.
one day, when he was a teenager, i saw him came home with bruise on his face, he had a fight with Walter, one of his best friend. Hao punched him because he think Walter talked a bad thing behind his back, blaming Hao's race. because Walter father was one of the commander in American army which got involved in south Vietnamese war towards North Vietnamese, towards Hao's father.
hah.. i wish i could tell him not to put any hatred in his heart.. 

as time goes by, Hao became older and start considered about keep me carefully. one day Hao came back home rushing and try to search for me. and when he found me again, i can see pain in his eyes. then, i know my await, was not futile. hao really do take care of me since that day. it's like, im the center of his "peace" now.
i know that i will always be his special toys.
the one and only toys from his mother.

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