Thursday 5 January 2012

What makes a good story?

A good Story created from crisis condition minded, spontaneously thought and creative brainstorm. the theme and idea of the story could come from anywhere, anytime and from anybody. and trough all of those elements, comes couple characters that has most unique characteristic that's different from other stories, which attract reader to know them better and fall in love for them.

not only about the character, plot and story line also has the most important element of the story. story could be told without any characters, but there are no stories without plot and story line. what's happening? why? what will happened? what's the solving method for the problems?

So let's put all those element into the point
1. Motive
2. Conflict (Drama)
3. Quest
4. Turning Point
5. Climax
6. Resolution
7. Characters
8. Emotion

there are also some other important point when you want to make a good story, such as:

GENRES: with this element, you start planning about the target audience of your story, is is going to be horror story? action? adventure? or is it love story? you can even combine about 2 to 3 genre into one story depends with the way you've planed it.
BRAINSTORM: is the most important point about your story. make your story become more interesting with it, solve all the problem that you find wrong inside your story, twist it and plan it as well as possible.
1 SENTENCE PITCH: will become your attracting point of the story that you write. this is what will sell your story and make people reads about it.
and the last, 3ACT STRUCTURE: the way you plans your story needs to have some structure and planning. write it down in some graphic point so you will think it more easy and tidy.

These all items isn't all of the elements that makes story turn more interesting and perfect. there are more to be explore to make a better and better story. because just as same as Art, story also doesn't has any limit in the way you develop it.

So keep reading, writing, and LEARNING more about it if you want to make more and more great story.

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