Sunday 23 October 2011


One Sentence summaries and Movie Examples

Story1: Character driven story, eg Mr Bean.
One little girl trying to escape from her continuous bad dreams, discovering the source of her dreams while finding her true identity.  

Story2: Story driven by a location.
One old man trying to pursue his big dream to build his own dreaming house in the peak of one famous hill. Accompanied with his wife, he will never give up until it comes true.

Story3: Story driven by an item.
One great chairman that rules one huge company, inviting a bunch of mans and call them as  “the lucky ones”, and make them compete in a couple games designed by himself. The winner will get a key that could control the whole company itself.

Story4: Story driven by a situation.
One husband trying to escaping his wife from prison in his town, he knows exactly that his wife wasn’t wrong. But small evidence and losing in the court makes him desperate to kidnap his wife and running away to other country.

Story5: Story driven by Character's motive(s) or conflict with another Character.
Story of a guy that always trying to defeat his rivals in every competition they have. While in his journey he realizes that he doing it really wrong. He must not always try to defeat others and didn’t enjoying the competition itself. He has to be able to defeat himself and put his “passion” in the competition more, than his “worries”.

Stories 6 to 10: Combination of above points for your stories.

Story6: story of a little fox trying to be a wolf, he never realize that he have something better than those wolf until he encounter with one little wolf that have age as same as him and becoming a close friends.

Story7: story of a small yet powerful Fire rabbit, Jack. Trying to survive female rabbit that she loves most from the Ice wolf Castile. But he has to defeat 5 legends warrior who are being hypnotized and turn into the underlings of the wolf king. He defeats them one by one and turns them to help him fight the ice wolf king and grab his love back.

Story8: an afro guy who have a big dream to be the vocalist of one world known band. But one problem, he’s a American black man and in his era, back man is being underestimated. He never decrease his big wills and fight for his dream. And at the end, all people recognize him as the Afro legends.

Story 9: story of a little boy who stuck inside a man’s grown up body. He have a childish personality and different way of thinking. A lot of his friends leave him for several reasons because of his “differences”. Trying to adapt and change with his unbreakable childish personality isn’t that easy for him. A lot of moral in the world he have to put inside him, to remove the “kids” inside him.

Story 10: one crow trying to grab people attention just like what those pigeon and other’s bird did. But whatever he did, nobody likes him. He tries and tries different other ways. But none of it works, until he finds one beggar who really understands him and having an interest to take care of him.


Story 11: Drama
Story of a mother who tries to protect his beloved son from huge flood that destroy their neighbor. She grabs one big trees and trying to resist the floods pressure while hugging his unconscious son. 3 days 2 nights she stands for it. After able to put his son in save position she let go the trees because of tiring and unconsciousness that attacked her.

Story 12: Documentary
Story of a female lion that having a big traumatic of losing her baby. Trying to replace her baby using its prey’s baby. Lion who adopted a baby deer is a real different and quite wrong to understand.
trying to protect her adopted baby from the other lion is her main job and that’s not easy thing to do.

Story 13: News / Current Affairs
A video recording some couple of mans who being doctrine by the Jihad, giving their last message for their family and for all peoples around the world. Saying their reason and intention of doing the suicide bombs while police trying to search for the source and the main person who did this high criminal crime.

Story 14: Comedy
Story of a student that meets a very beautiful porn star where he never knew it before he finds the video recording her having sex with random guy. While fighting his willing to have sex with her, he tries to make that girl realize that she could do better job than becoming a porn star.

Story 15: Horror
one paranormal trying to defeat and controlling the devil spirit inside one legendary room numbered “69” at one old hotel building. The fight between him and the devil spirit begins when he starts to disturb one pot which stands at the corner of the room.

Story 16: Action
Story of one space ship captain controlling his battle ship by his own, he tells everybody to evacuate while trying to defeat their enemy. He has to do sacrificing if he wants the entire ship member to be survived.

Story 17: Mystery / Thriller / Crime
One murderers escaping his jail and trying to finish his first mission. Which is killing all his family member one by one while all of them were separated in many different place inside his country.

Story 18: Teenage Drama
Two girls trying to figure out one man’s true identity, his mysterious figure yet also cool and charming is became their main interest reason.
While one of them finally knows that he’s not ordinary humans.

Story 19: Romance
A soldier that trying to protect his country while trying to be survived on the war itself. Because his promise to his beloved girl back in his city. Always trying to run away from any ambush, at least being survived is what his aim in this bloody war.

Story 20: Fantasy / Sci-Fi
A bunch of alien ship seen on the top of Vatican’s building. A couple of teenager sees this thing and trying to record it using their camera. When suddenly, they realize one of them missing one by one and those aliens are the main reason for all of this events.

Story 21: Children
Story of a boy who goes into different world, where all animals could speak, walk, and interact just like humans. He find new friends on that world and having a great adventure with them, while trying to figure out any other way to returned to his real world.

Story 22: Adventure / Swashbucklers 
A magician who’s run out of new magic trick, he tries to travel around the world to understand the magician world deeper. He finds a thousand of new magic tricks on his journey and also different types of magic genre. And the best thing that he finds from his journey is Love.

Story 23 - 25: Combination of any genre from above. 

Story 23:
Trying to figure out who actually his creator was, one little robot trying to figure out and tracking any other ways to achieve the answer of his question. In his journey, he finds so May new things to learn about live. About giving, forgetting, and forgiving.

Never knew that cat could talk like humans, May, stunned by the cat’s conversation at the backyards of her house. The most stunning thing is that those cats inviting may to come to the cat’s world with the ticket they give to her.

One genius scientist trying to make a “dream machine” that could record our dreams in picture or even download and plays it again and again. He tries to make dream as some kind of new entertainment program where we could setting and build our own dream. Where realizing the fact that this machine could make people run away from actual world into the dream world.


Examples of Blockbuster/Successful Movies for: 
Story 11: Drama
Titanic, Forest Gump

Story 12: Documentary
World Trade Centre, The Ocean

Story 13: News / Current Affairs
In the loop

Story 14: Comedy
Mr. Bean, Kungfu Panda

Story 15: Horror
The Ring, Shutter

Story 16: Action
James Bond, the Expandables

Story 17: Mystery / Thriller / Crime
Psycho, The Thing

Story 18: Teenage Drama
Juno, Twilight Saga

Story 19: Romance
The Water for Elephants, Midnight in paris.

Story 20: Fantasy / Sci-Fi
Avatar, A.I

Story 21: Children
Finding Nemo, Toys story

Story 22: Adventure / Swashbucklers
Indiana Jones, E.T., Tin Tin.

Story 23 - 25: Combination of any genre from above.

Lord Of the Rings, King kong, Super 8, Totoro, Spirited Away, Reel Steel, Thor, The Passion of The Christ

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