Sunday 23 October 2011

The Romantic Warrior Script - Draft 1

The Romantic Warrior                                                     Written by Pratama Eka Dharma

A story about a Romantic Vietnamese Guy who feels that he was never meant to be a warrior, but he was obliged to do it for his country. trying to survive to return to his family while protecting his best friend and himself.

Title Sequence

SC1: INT_Next to a river at town side – Day_Spring

Pam Hung Dung walking next to Chau Hong Kim next to the river at their town side. And then they sit at one of the big rock in the middle of that river.

Hung Voice Narrating the Scene.

“I cannot believe that war is the best solution. No one won the last war and no one will win the next.”..One of the best quotes I ever heard.

Hm.. anyway, My name is PAM HÙNG DUNG, HÙNG which means Heroic and DUNG which means Brave, really does not describe my personality best...  err..i dunno why, but a lot of people in Vietnam want to have a name same as mine, maybe because they think if you had a great name it will be awesome when you became a hero in war..? 

Hung take one of any Flower next to him and try to clean it in the river.
Kim face questioning what is he doing.

And this is Chau Hong Kim (close up to kim’s face) -such a beautiful name by the way- one of the most beautiful girl in our town.  And I’ve grab her heart for now. (Small laugh)

            Hung take the flower that he dried -from the river’s water- and put it upon Kim’s head, he cover it with his hand. Hung smiled and talked

                        Hung: Kim, do you love me..?
                        Kim:     (blushing and feels that Hung tease her)
Hung:  (small laugh)
            whenever i put this leaf upon your head, it means that i really do love you kim.
i know that there will come our hard time and when everything goes wrong,
 i hope this leaf will tell everything from my heart. it's symbol of my deep Love to you. (smiled)
 because i don't know how to show this huge love inside me any other way.." 

Kim face getting very red and she punch Hung’s stomach very hard. (like: “BUGHH!!!!”), Hung face showing that he’s in deep Hurt, Hung kneel at the ground and trying to catch any breath and bear with the pain.
Kim runs away from him because she’s very embarrassed. But confusedly she return back to Hung and help hung stand back. Then Kim hugs Hung.

                        Kim: I love you.. thanks..

They got their first kiss there.

            Everything was so beautiful back then.. Everything..

SC2: INT_At the small Senior High school in their town – back in 1949 – Day_Break time.

            Hung was a 17 years old and Kim was 15. Hung saw Kim at one couch outside their class and hung got his first love sight at that time. Hung tells his friend that he sees an angel. Kim meet her friend and go away from the couch. Hung never let go his eye from her.


            In 1949, i met Kim when i was 17, and she was 15.It was love at first sight and everyday since, i tried to attract her in anyway i could. The fact is that she's more powerful  and brave than I am,it makes my heart pound faster. I really must have her.

SC3: INT_infront of Kim’s class – back in 1949 – Day.

            Hung being one of Kim secret admire, he put love letter inside Kim’s school desk. Kim saw that thing and she threw it away without even open it. The reason is because she gets so many love letters back then from all of her secret admire.
            Hung thought that she had opened and read it. So he thought if he stands in front of her class, she will recognize him. But unfortunately there were another 3 guys stands there and trying to approach Kim.
            After Kim go out from her class, Hung got inside and saw that there’s a lot of other letter inside the trashcan. One of if opened. Hung’s face disappointed.

SC4: INT_Hung put letter by letter to Kim. – Day by day.

            While the others have given up, Hung never give up trying to give Kim Love letter. He knows that his word of love is different from the others and he waits until Kim could realize his existence. He put’s letter by letter that he wrote with all passion he have.
Until Kim realize and gets curious about Him.

            Hm.. Oh about my village, we live inside one small village called Bee –Enn Foo. It’s one of the small towns at North Vietnam. And during that time, our government was in an unstable position because of a clash between the communist and Democratic Party. I and Kim lived in the communist territory and in a matter of time; we really didn't want to be involved in any of this nonsense.

SC5: INT_Road. – Day

            Hung and Kim get’s married. They had their traditional married rituals. Lots of his family and friends were there.

SC6: INT_Hospital. – Afternoon

            Hung ran into one of hospital room where Kim giving her birth to Hao, their one and only child. Hung Hugs Kim and like every parent they celebrating their first baby born together.

SC7: INT_Home. – Day

            Hung got letter from Government telling him to go fight to the war that happening at his country. They knew that this day would come. Hung stressed. He hugs Kim and Baby Hao because he know soon he have to leave them.

but obligation beats everything. i had to leave Kim and PHAM HAO PHUC, my only son.  Without knowing whether i would be able to come back or not.

SC8: INT_Home. – Day

Hung finished packing. Using all his army clothing and prepare to go to the soldier training place with all his town friends. Hung had his farewell with Kim and Hao.

                        Hung: ….. (stares at Kim)
                        Kim:     ….. (Kim throw away her eyes from Hung)
                        Hung: touch Kim’s chin and direct her eyes to His eyes.
                        Kim:     (stare Hung with deep sadness and love)
                        Hug:    (Suddenly hugs Kim.)
                        Kim:     (Kim cried out loud.)
                        Hung: (Put one flower upon Kim’s head)
                                    Please promise me one thing….
                                    Please wait for my return even I can’t promise it.
                                    I know I’m week, but I’ll try to survive for you and Hao.
                                    Ok, my love…?
                        Kim:     I PROMISE…I promise..(Continuous crying...)
            Hung and Kim:            (Prayed together and after that, they kissing..)
                        Hung: (lift his son, kiss him and hugs him)
                                    Hey buddy, Protect your mother ok?
                                    I love you.. Pham Hao Phuc.


Hung got into the truck and waving his hand to Kim. They do farewell just like the others. 

the farewell was the hardest. Probably because she aware that she should be the one who go to war better then me. And for the first time, i saw Kim cried in front of me. questioning that this strong hearted girl could drop her tears for me. 
Hah..i always remember how bitter and sweet that kiss was..The last kiss...


Hung start to get brainwashed inside a class, thought to assemble guns and shoot it in the battle field, hard workout everyday to strengthen his body and more.

            April 1955, suddenly everything turn into a hell..
i got trained to kill mankind, they brainwashed me to die for my country, and many more things that are illogical. Oh man, this thing’s to heavy for me. i really hate war. Really, really, hate. to be honest, i'm afraid of it and i better run away when it occurs. it's better for me to be a writer or a poet because i know i have a talent for it. Just like the way I got my wife. It’s all about words and heart. If we lived in the world where politicians are not the most influential people, but poets are, i would be the most influential guy in the world, i guess.


Hung sit at the back side of a truck, full of soldier and some war photographer.

            3 years passed for my training. my body never get bigger or stronger like my other comrades did. 
-i just.. don't like do work out... it's killing me..- my Sergeant assumed that all of his soldier have been ready to enter the real war. where blood is spluttered  everywhere, dead bodies scattered all over the place, and explosion have become usual thing. And then, I meet this boy. Huỳnh Công Út. Or to be easy, Nick -his nick name-.

                        Nick:    (preparing all photography component, cameras, film, etc.)
                        Hung: (watch and questioning what are those thing.)
                        Nick:    (drop one of his film and rolling towards Hung)
                        Hung: (take it, and give it to nick)
                        Nick:    (giggle) yes, Photographer.
                        Hung: uh, yeah.. Photographer I
                                    How old are you?
                        Nick:    uh, (cleans his hand) Huỳnh Công Út, or just call me Nick. Im 19.
                        Hung: 19?? Geez.. O ya, im Pam Hung Dung. 26 years old. (shaking Nick hands)
You not scared man?
                        Nick:    Hhaha of course I am.. you don’t?
                        Hung: hhaha.. nothing more terrifying..
                        (They laughing for a while)
                        Hung: then, why you still go? If I were you, I better stay at home.
Nick:    hm.. long story.. having no parent’s but photography mentor make me love this job so much.. I just want to repay my teacher by taking any great picture about war.
Hung: hm..
Nick:    hhehe just says, my passion drive me nuts..
Hung: hahha ok I get’re nuts..haha
Nick:    hhehe .. so.. can you do pose?
(Hung posing with his riffles and Nick take a picture of him)

            Nick and I became good friend since then, maybe you can say he's my only friend. I shared a lot of story about kim and Hao with him, while he tells me the story of his photography mentor. Nick and I were always together in that war, trying to survive and takes a lot of photo.


Nick and Hung side by side in the battle ground, trying to avoid any missile or bullet.

            [BOOMM..!! one of big missile explode next to them.]
-5 seconds later-
[BOOOMM..!!!! another missile explode 30 meters next to them.]

            Hung: Oh my god!!!
                        Oh my goddd..!!!!!!
            Nick:    SHOOT..!!!
                        JUST SHOOT..!!!!
            Hung: NO..! LET’S MOVE SOMEWHERE ELESE..!!!
                        NO KILLING PEOPLEOK?!?!
            Nick:    THEN WHAT ARE YOU TRAINING FOR...??!!!
            (Suddenly one big missile coming to their standing spot)
            Hung: RUNNN!!!!!!!


sounds of blowing guns and missile continuously heard everywhere. There are a lot of dead soldier’s bodies scattered all over the place.

            my war start at 3 May 1959, at the border between South and North Vietnam. i couldn't do much during that war. Thanks to that, i survived for quite some time. some people say that the cowards could survive and that's what i am.
And to be honest, 3 years of my duty, i NEVER killed anyone. until that day comes when i have to choose between taking live or let my friend die.


it was dusk, middle August 1962, Hung and Nick was in the middle of an ambush, guns firing everywhere.

                        Nick:    Where is the backup..??
                        Hung: I don’t know..!!
                        (guns firing around them, they get recessive by the enemy)
                        Soldier:            THEY LEFT US..!!! THEY JUST G…!!
                        (he stop talking suddenly)
                        Nick: WHY HE STOP TALKING..??!!
                        Hung: HE GOT SHOOT..!! we have to survive..!!
                                    Hide somewhere Nick..!!!
(Suddenly one american soldier ran blindly towards Nick holding a bayonet, trying to killed anybody  in his way.)
Nick:    (he trembles and can’t do anything because he’s not a soldier)
Hung: (stand up) NICK!!! MOVE OUTT..!!!!!

            i saw that guy, i stood and screamed to Nick to run, but Nick couldn't hear me, he couldn't even move because of the killing pressure from that american guy.

                        Hung: (Stands up, and shoot)
            Hung shoot the American soldier, the American soldier fall down and Nick has been saved.
it was my first time shooting a person. I saw nick shocked face everything seemed to move slower and a thousand of emotional thoughts came into my mind. i smiled.

                        Hung: AHA!!!! YOU OWN ME ONE NICK..!! hahah
                        Nick: Hung! Get d..!!!
                        [BANG…!!!!! Another gunshot]

            Suddenly everything went quiet. Hung touches his chest. Nick run into him, screaming.
            I felt… I felt something touch me.. Why nick’s face looks like crap..? Man.. He’s so ugly..
            I.. got shoot..?

                        Nick:    HUNG!!! HUNG!!!!!! CAN YOU HEAR ME??!!
                                    HUNG!! Answer!!
                        Hung: Nick.. My breath.. My breath’s hurt..
                        Nick:    (he starts swearing and crying, while trying to find any hiding spot.)
                        Hung:  nick.. You remember my love sign to Kim right? (Coughing)
                        Nick:    yess.. yess.. (Crying) stay with me Hung.. Stay with me
                        Hung: please.. (Crawling to find any leaves) find her… (Trying to breathing)
Please..Find her..
(Putting any leafs that tarnished by his blood on top of nick’s head)
                        Nick:    Yes ill find her hung, I promise, I promise.
                        (Nick holds Hung’s hand and prayed for him)

Zooming out from the place where Nick and Hung are hiding. Viewing the forest from top of it where all blast and explosion were able to seen.

            that day, the most talented poetic, the Romantic Warrior, died in a war. not for his country, but for his friend.


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