Thursday 4 August 2011

Class Exercise - Characteristic of My friend


   Tall: 164cm
   Skin tone: semi Dark brown
   Race: Indonesian - maluku/ambonese
   Hair: curly
   Body: quite fat and buff body
   Others: Michael have he's own style of walking, usually he spread his foot a little bit and loose his hand laying down all the way. he have his own way to talk, he didn't open his mouth widely and quite mumbling when he talk.

Emotion, nature and personality:
Michael have unique personality as a man, he is the type of guy who didn't like to offense other people and have a very deep thinker. but he also being little sensitive guy. he don't like when others offence himself seriously of yell hard on him. if we could describe him, he's the type of melancholy and phlegmatic guy. he feels quite timid and have so funny personality. he likes to joke around and very curious about world.
he's christian.

Michael love watching, he watch a thousand of movie. he have a very brilliant general knowledge because of his curiosity and his passion. he also love playing games, he play games like crazy when he have one goal on the game. he like to surfer the internet and read a lot of article.

Interest: Movie, Animation, World famous place, biography of famous people, games, famous animation character.

Relationship: he have group friend that he rely on so much, he does not really like to introduce himself to new world. he does not have any girlfriend. he's a good guy as a friend in my eye. we go along very good and we share similar hobby and movies.

Experiences: he's a movie critical because he like movie a lot. he have seen a thousand of movie, from 80'th century movie to movie now days. he spend his childhood at Jakarta until he take his college at Singapore. he's a 2nd year student at Nanyang Academy of Fine Art now (NAFA)

Strength and Weakness:
strength: brilliant about general knowledge, smart on making a joke, he's a very skilled artist and a cinephile. his experience about movie knowledge and his ability to draw. he's a good drawer.
Weakness: he's a bit lazy and playing games to much. he have to be able control his time and pick the priority thing first.

Motives and objective:
Michael dream is to be an animator at Pixar. it's caused of his liking to the movie, specialy animation. he's biggest dream is to be animation director in the famous animation production house. such as Disney, marvel or pixar.


   Tall: 165cm
   Skin tone: white
   Race: Indonesian - Chinese Indonesian
   Hair: straight
   Body: quite fat
   Others: Andrea have funny way of laughing and telling jokes. sometimes her jokes is crunchy but she laugh at it. and that's what makes us laughing.

Emotion, nature and personality:
Andrea have funny personality, she's very kind and don't like to offence people. she have quite melancholy and phlegmatic personality. when she's angry with someone, she will keep it quiet and tell it to her closest friend later. she will asked a lot of suggestion from the person she thinks mature enough.

Andrea like to jokes around even her jokes is not very funny, we like to make fun of her when she being crunchy but she didn't take it to serious. she's very up to date about gossip and those kind of stuff. she being emotional when talking about her love story.

Interest: Music, Games, Daftpunk, Gadget, Gamezone.

Relationship: Andrea have quite a lot of friend, because of her funny and kind personality. she have boyfriend overseas and this makes her have to do long distance relationship. she's being emotional when talking about his boyfriend plans to go to another country for his study and probably thew will be hard to meet even when vacation comes.

Experiences: Andrea spend his childhood at Indonesia, she's a really good gamezone gamer, those kind of timezone and gaming area at the mall. she loves DJ music especialy daft punk.

Strength and Weakness:
strength: she's a good artist, she pretty concern about her studies and have willing on it. if she got friends who do work hard, she will follow them and also doing good job. she's a very funny and kind girl, she dont want to harm another people and a little mysterious.
Weakness: she's a bit lazy and playing games to much. he have to be able control his time and pick the priority thing first.

Motives and objective:
andrea dream is to be an animator at Pixar, but besides that dream she also have another dream that connected with her hobby. and that's becoming bassist in one group band. she rally have passion at doing band jamming and wanting to have her own band group.


One day, Andrea, student of NAFA which just finished her class, went to one hawker center near the school to rest and grab some lunch. because the hawker center is very crowded on that time, she hardly try to look for a seat. finally after 15 minutes looking, she got one in the corner of the hawker center. when she got really near the place, suddenly one guy also trying to reach that spot! and that's Michael. Andrea's getting confused with that, because she don't dare to win the place and repel Michael. but she also think that she's the one who saw that spot first. Michael who realize that Andrea also want to seat in the place, fells guilt and try to pursue Andrea to sit on that place, he trying to be a gentle man even he hate lost the spot. Andrea who's very kind and also feels guilt, ask Michael to sit together with her because of the crowded that make them must to do that if they want to seat.
after they seat, they realize that on the table there was one tissue paper and there's some word written on it. it says "please don't seat here!, this is seat for Mr. Lee Kuan Yew!"
when Michael read on it, he laugh and tell Andrea about this funny word in the tissue. he thinks that there are no such a way to book seat with Tissue especially when the person is Singapore past prime minister. Andrea and Michael get along nicely after talking about their same experience that they leave Indonesia and stay in Singapore for their studies.
after a couple of minute talking, suddenly there's a guy poking Andrea's back. Michael get really shocked and he realize that Mr. Lee Hisen Long, the Singapore prime minister itself got to their place!
it's not Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, and it's more surprising that it's  Mr. Lee Hsien Long!
Michael and Andrea suddenly Moves from the spot and feels sorry to the prime minister. after a couple of minute, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew come and greet Mr. Lee Hsien Long.
Michael and Andrea get out of idea why do those prime minister doing in place like this and its become their funniest experience. it's Tissue, Prime minister, and Them.

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