Friday 26 August 2011


1.         Physical
a.      He has a very hairy face. The hair covered all of his face until his face could not be seen. his nostrils and ears also full covered with hairs; except his forehead, eyes and nose.
b.      60 years old man
c.       His hair grew in spikes, just like straight bristles of a nailbrush.
d.      There are hundreds of food sticking all over his beard that covers his mouth, he leave all of it for even a month and when he gets hungry sometimes he try to look for any of it, and eat again.
e.      He never washed any of his beard and hair so it became very dirty and smelly. There are also a lot of things that stuck in his hair.
f.        He never wash, maybe for years.

2.         Emotions, Values, and Beliefs
a.      Mr Twit is a really confident man that always believe in himself. When he think it’s right, he will surely done it without thinking any other consequence.
b.      He thinks that it would be good if he could get rid his wife, because he want to be the winner in pranking competition between him and his wife.
c.       He believes that his hairy statute makes him look wise and grand.

3.         Behavior
a.      he really do likes to do prank. He pranks a lot to his wife because she’s the only person close to him.
b.      When he planing to do tricks to his wife, he became very smart and deligent.
c.       He like to eay bird meat, so he put a trap on top of his dead tree that will catch a lot of bird for him to consume.

4.         Characteristic
a.      Emotional
b.      Stupid
c.       Twits
d.      Horrid
e.      Rude
f.        Self Confidence
g.      Persistent
h.      Annoying
i.        Want to looks Wise and Grand
j.        Greedy
k.       Selfish
l.        Tricky

5.         Interests
a.      he like to play tricks on his wife, Mrs. Twit, which is the same like him. He will think about any other way to do trick on her.
b.      He love to eat bird meat, so he put  his dead big tree with “Hugtight” the stickiest glue he had to trap and catch those wild bird.
c.       He was a Monkey trainer who want to be famous in the circus with his title, “the first upside down Monkey attraction.”

6.         Nature and Personality
a.      Mr. Twit has a very weird taste in his appearance.
b.      He’s a careless guy, that’s why he never wash.
c.       He dont care with other people besides himselfs.
d.      He’s not aware and not observant.
e.      He’s a temprament guy
f.        His other intention in this world is to get revenge to his wife.
g.      He’s selfish man
h.      He’s a horrid guy
i.        He’s becaming clever when he want to do pranks to his wife.
j.        He’s a dumb and easy to get tricked.

7.         Experiences
a.      Mr Twits ever worked as a Monkey trainer. That’s why he pets those Muggle-Wump and his family. He trained them so hard to be able to do the hand standing Monkey atrraction.

8.         Relationships
a.      He has a Wife that always accompany him
b.      He has one monkey family, Muggle-Wump, Muggle-Wump Wife and two of its kids.
c.       He ever want to eat 4 kids that get stucked in his tree
d.      He does not really have relation with his neighbour or any other person.

9.         Strengths and Weaknesses
a.      Strengths
                                      i.      He could become very creative when he wants to play tricks to his wife.
                                    ii.      He’s very confident man that proud for his messy beard and Hairs allover his body. He thought it looks great and grand.
b.      Weaknesses
                                      i.      He get his self confidence to much that makes him underastimate his wife.
                                    ii.      He get tricked a lot by his wife
                                  iii.      He’s stupid and never think about any trick possibilities that his wife made. He falls to his wife traps.

10.     Motives and Objectives
a.      His one and only purpose of his live is to get rid of his wife. That’s why i’m thinking that he’ll loose his vision if he realy does lose his wife.
b.     He want to the the most famous circus guy because he can teach his monkeys to play upsidedown tricks.

Mr Twits

Mr Twits is one of the role character in Roald Dhal stories called "Mr and Mrs Twits". according to the stories, Mr twits is Mrs Twits husband that hates her so much. he like to mocking, tortured, and annoyed his wife. but however he hates his wife, they always do everything together. when they want to annoyed and torture another people/creature, they will become a very great team mates. i think, they are the most weird couple in the world if they're really exist.

in this story, told that Mr twits is a really like to twits another person, especially his wife who always be around him. whoever that don't have agreement with him, he shall twits them and even annoyed them. Mr twits is not a really smart guy, but he could be really creative when he want it. i think this shown us that when we really want to do it, however stupid or weak we are, we can do it. for Mr Twits case, he have a very big ego that makes him so arrogant and always try to defend his pride when it gets disturbed. he have a very bad and labile temper that makes him easy to get annoyed by little stupid case and things around him, specially his wife his only friend and enemy that also have similar personality like him.

the best thing that i like from this story is the Moral about THE POWER OF OUR WORD. Mr and Mrs twits, twits, is their one and only power to overthrow another people. this twits come from Mr twits very big pride, that makes his character so strong in this story. this pride shown from how Mr Twits appearance, beard that he was very proud of, his messy hair, problem that he never wash, mind set about his beard that he thought makes him looks grand and wise(which the truth is not) and many other thing.

in this story, there are one event where Mr twits try to scared Mrs Twits with his lie. his big lie, telling that Mrs Twits is going to get shrink because of sickness until she gone forever from this world. and that makes Mrs twits scared most.

 'You're shrinking fast! You're shrinking dangerously fast! Why, you must have shrunk at least a foot in the last few days!' 
'And your neck shrinks into your body . . . 
'Your head will shrinks into your neck . . . 
'And your body shrinks into your legs . . . 
'And your legs shrink into your feet. And in the end there's nothing left except a pair of shoes and a bundle of old clothes. '

When Mr twits says this word, his only goal is to get revenge to his wife and make his wife terrified and cry, because the previous days, it was Mrs Twits turn to annoyed her husband.
but at the end of the story, Mr and Mrs Twits really do get shrink and gone from the world forever! the thing that he said, really do come true and that happened to them self. i think the writer's telling us that whatever you trying to said, please said it carefully. we have to think what we will said because every word have power. and when we said it, however you meant it or not, it may turn to be real in the future.

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