Friday 26 August 2011


1.        Physical

a.      Small Little Kids
b.      High pitch Voice
c.       Curly Golden Hair
d.      Weird Looking Clothes yet Elegant
e.      Using pair of boots
f.        White Skin
g.      Blue Eyes

2.        Emotions, Values, and Beliefs
a.      He believes that he will find the meaning of “love” which he couldn’t understand, with his journey through the universe. Even he has to leave his beloved Rose to get the answer.

3.        Behavior
a.      He’s very curious in something
b.      He like to make friends
c.       He’s Kind hearted and like to help others
d.      He never have bad thought about others

4.        Characteristic
a.      Naive
b.      Curious
c.       Wise
d.      Brave
e.      Forceful
f.        Pure
g.      Innocent
h.      Thinker
i.        Lover
j.        Susceptible

5.        Interests
a.      Little prince is a very neat boy that does his work diligently.
b.      When he found one problem in his live, he will try to find the answer in any way. However it takes.
c.       He also likes to make a lot of acquaintances. Without being shy, he introduce himself to a lot of people.
d.      He held one beautiful creature in his heart. The one and only special Rose that grew on his planet.
e.      He shows a great interest to sunsets as well. Because he sees that beautiful.

6.        Nature and Personality
a.      He has no fear. He likes to make new friends and explore on something that he don’t understand.
b.      Melancholic, sensitive, delicate man, cares and pays attention about his surroundings.
c.       He’s very observant that will always curious on something he don’t understand around him.
d.      He’s very imaginative
e.      He’s clever and could understand something that others cant understand. Because he has different point of view that no others could see.

7.         Experiences
a.      He learn about life from his journey trough different kind of planet. From this journey, he finds about meaning of love and complicity of it. He meet different kind of man and learn different kind of experience from them.

8.        Relationships
a.      Little Prince meets narrators in the Sahara desert, where Narrator get plane crashed and trying to fix his plane. Little prince meet him and get close to him on that one day.
b.      Little prince has one “love” back in his planet and that’s Rose. Something that’s so complicated and makes him sad because he couldn’t understand what rose want. In this story little prince says that he love something that unseen and far away back in his planet.
c.       He meets one king that own his planet, anything that lives in his planet must follow his rule. He’s very bossy and arrogant, yet he’s lonely.
d.      There’s one Coincited man in one of the planet that Little prince visited. This man want every other man to praise and sees him as his admirers.
e.      In other planet, he meets a dunk man that trying to screw his live with drinking because he thinks his past screw already and trying to forget about it with that alcohol thing.
f.        He also meets one businessman who being very busy in one thing that he thinks very precious for him and that’s the star. He became very greedy and trying to own all the stars.
g.      On the next planet, he meets a lamplighter and try to talk to him. The lamp lighter resemble an image of worker that became very obedient on his job.
h.      Then he meet some geography guy who get curious about all planet surround him but not on his own.
i.        Finally after a long journey trough a very small planet, little prince arrive on earth and meets the snake. The snake is a resemble of death. He holds the control about little prince time of life.
j.        Little prince also met fox that being very scared to humans. He teach little prince about bonds between people. How to live side by side each other. Fox teach Little prince that no any living thing want to be controlled and tamed. And that also happens to Love.

9.        Strengths and Weaknesses
a.      Strengths
                                      i.      Little prince has a very pure heart and innocent soul. He never had a bad thought’s trough other people and will help any other who needs help.
                                    ii.      He is a brave man that sees the good in people.
                                  iii.      He brave to explore many countries just to find the meaning of Love.
                                   iv.      He is an observant, decent, curious man that wants to learn about everything and enjoys his life faithfully.
b.      Weaknesses
                                      i.      He’s to naive that being very emotional like any other kids when the didn’t get what they want. He became very melancholy.
                                    ii.      He can’t really divide the other people emotional, so sometimes he distract people just like any other kids.
                                  iii.      He take people talks to serious.

9.    Motives and Objectives
a.     He wants to understand the meaning of “Love” that he cant understand from his relation to rose. Trying to learn and meet new things along the way, although in order to do that, he must leave his beloved rose.

The Little Prince

Little Prince, one little naive boy who get lost in the universe looking for the answer for his questionable thought about the meaning of word "LOVE" and "GROWN UP". this little boy resemble the image of purity, innocent and simplicity while also showing us about the image of truth and happiness. this little boy has a really strong role in this story because the main message is tells from this little boy image. his journey trough much different planet show us about the different type of "grown up" people. people that being possessed by something that little prince think was not important. about money, live problem, pride, fame, etc.

the main message that i like from this story is about how little prince see the world trough his eyes, purity that makes adult people problem became nonsense. little prince try to understand the way adult people think and and however he try, he could not understand that. it makes me realize that as a human, when we grown up, sometime we make everything to complicated. this complicity makes our mind out of logic and no not care about tolerate and kindness, because we stuck with the rule and law that come from our self.

Little prince also trying to understand the meaning of "LOVE". he trying to understand this "LOVE" thing from his relation with the Rose in his planet. the problem is, Love was to complicated for little prince. little prince could not understand indirectly word from rose and end up being confused and sad for not able to satisfy Rose request.
but the truth is, the only request that Rose ask is about little prince care and appearance. but because Rose has a very big pride that hold her to tell the little prince about her true feeling, little prince end up with leaving her alone and at the end the rose was get eaten by the sheep.
little prince shown us that sometimes in Loving our mates, we being to prestige in our self. this prestige makes our relation became ruined for stooping us to tell the truth to our partner. the truth that will killed our prestige, but maybe will survive our "Love".

in this story, i think that the writer try to tell us that however we being grown up, sometimes we have to rethink as a little kids again. think when we don't really mind about money, about position, about discrimination and pride. think when we being able to tolerate anything with our heart and not our mind. And when we being able to do this, our live could became more peacefull. This thing also happenend to our “Love” story. We should use our heart not our head. Sometimes, being childish wasn’t that bad, because we will never think negative about anybody or even about our self. we don't matter those thing and just live our live as our self.

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